American Christianity

The Church’s Image Problem

At a superficial level, Christianity and McDonald’s have much in common. Christianity too had a humble beginning and now exerts worldwide influence. Christianity, like McDonald’s, affects all aspects of daily life. Its banner—the cross—is as universally recognizable as the golden arches. Yet like McDonald’s, Christianity suffers from an image problem. Scandals, affairs, and inflated egos in pulpits across America have diminished the church’s credibility as a beacon of moral authority. Division within the church on issues such as abortion, race, same-sex marriage, how to help the poor and the immigrant, and gun control give the impression that the church is beholden more to the spirit of the age than the eternal Word of God… Like the struggling fast-food giant, the church today has an image problem.

Cultural Apologetics: Renewing the Christian Voice, Conscience, and Imagination in a Disenchanted World by Paul M. Gould. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2019.