Being in Two Places At Once

The concept of “being in two places at once” may initially seem paradoxical, yet it’s an idea that resonates deeply with many of us, particularly those who choose to abide in Jesus. It’s about being physically present in the world, engaging in everyday tasks while maintaining a deep, spiritual connection with God. 

In his book Practicing the Way: Be with Jesus. Become like him. Do as he did. John Mark Comer invites us to be in two places at once.

Eating your breakfast and being with Jesus…
Braving public transit for your morning commute and being with Jesus…
Changing another diaper and being with Jesus…
Sorting through your inbox yet still being with Jesus…
Cooking dinner for your family or friends and resting your heart in Jesus…

Apprenticeship to Jesus is about turning your body into a temple, a place of overlap between heaven and earth- an advance sign of what one day Jesus will do for the entire cosmos, when heaven and earth are at long last reunited as one. This is the single most extraordinary opportunity in the entire universe: to let your body become God’s home. And it’s set before you every single day.

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Being in two places at once is not about splitting our attention or living a divided life. It’s about integrating our spiritual life with our everyday activities. It’s about finding God in the mundane and seeing the divine in the ordinary. It’s about making our home inside God, no matter where we are or what we are doing.

Practicing the Way: Be with Jesus. Become like him. Do as he did. by John Mark Comer, Waterbrook, 2024.