God Does His Best Work In The Darkest Places

In the midst of life’s darkest valleys, it is easy to feel abandoned and alone. Despair creeps in, shrouding us in a cloak of darkness. Yet, it is in these darkest places, these caves of despair, that God does His best work. This is not just a comforting thought, it is a reality we can hold onto when everything else seems to be slipping away.

Jesus, God Himself, knows something about being in a cave. On the cross, in that rock bottom moment, even He cried out in despair, “God, why have you abandoned me?” He too, faced the darkness head on, feeling the weight of abandonment. This moment, the crucifixion, seemed to be the darkest of all.

About three in the afternoon Jesus cried out with a loud voice, “Elí, Elí, lemá sabachtháni? ” that is,“My God, my God, why have you abandoned me ?”

Matthew 27:46

Yet, it was from this darkness that the greatest miracle emerged. Jesus’ lifeless body was taken down from that cross and placed in a tomb, a cave. The entrance was blocked off, sealing Him in darkness. But God, in His infinite power and love, showed that there is no darkness so deep that He cannot reach into it and bring healing.

When the stone was rolled back and light flooded into that dark cave, when air filled Jesus’ lungs once again, God demonstrated His power over darkness. He proved that He does His best work in the darkest places. The resurrection was not just a victory over death, but a testament to God’s ability to bring light out of darkness, hope out of despair.

This message is for each one of us today. Whether you are here reading this, or listening somewhere else, this is what you need to hear: God does His best work in the darkest places. No matter how dark your current situation may be, how deep the cave you find yourself in, there is hope. Just as He did the greatest miracle in a dark tomb, He can bring light into your darkness too.

God does His best work in the darkest places.

Your feelings of despair, of hopelessness, are valid. It’s okay to acknowledge them, to feel them. But remember, they are not permanent. They are not the end of your story. God is with you, even in the darkness. And He is doing His best work.

Remember, God loves you. He is with you, even when you feel abandoned. Even when you are in the darkest places. And that is good news. Because it’s in the darkness that God does His very best work. If He was able to bring light out of the darkness of the tomb, He can bring light into your darkness too.

So, hold onto hope, no matter how dark things may seem. Because God is with you, and He is doing His best work.